July 13, 2018


Better Than fdupes!!! thank you @jbruchon

JDupes https://github.com/jbruchon/jdupes

OUT OF DATE. please see -X nostr:text and -X onlystr:text option in 1.20+


  • Raw speed!
  • Preserve duplicates specific to a folder and delete the rest:
    – option 1: given three folders X,Y, Z: jdupes -nrdNIO ./X/ ./Y/ ./Z/ preserve files in folder X and purges duplicates in Y and Z.
    – option 2: given three folders E,F,G: jdupes -nrdNIO ./E/ ./G/ ; jdupes -nrdNIO ./F/ ./G/ deletes duplicates only from G, retaining any duplicates in E or F.
  • and more…

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  1. I'm glad you find my software to be useful! I should note that the commands you've given will also delete duplicates within the first directory specified for each command; the -O option simply tells the program to sort the match chains by the parameter order specified on the command line before any other ordering is done, but the options are still inclusive! You need to use the -I (isolate) option to prevent cross-matching between directories. Note that there are still some quirks with -I which may cause some duplicates to not be recognized. The -O option is useful if you don't care what gets deleted, but you DO care that whatever duplicate is preserved is in the earliest specified folder possible.

    1. Thank you very much Jody! I was the one who opened https://github.com/jbruchon/jdupes/issues/8

  2. I've added a ton of features in the past month or two. You might want to check out the latest version, especially the -X options which are a pretty big deal. Being able to filter by substrings and file dates and file extensions is extremely useful!

  3. Thank you && i'm keeping my install updated fairly regular :)

    cd ~/scripts/jdupes/
    if ! ( git pull | grep "Already up-to-date." )
    make -B
    sudo make install


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