October 30, 2019

Veeam PowerShell Enable Encryption on All Jobs

Scenario: Your Veeam Backups have not been set for Storage Encryption. You have a ton of Backup Jobs and Backup Copy Jobs. You have exactly one (1) Encryption Password created.

!!NOTICE!! Once you add even a single encryption password, please re-configure your Veeam “Configuration Backup” because adding a password is known to disable the Config backups!!!

Problem: Manually editing each and every jobs is tedious and time consuming, and possibly prone to error.

Solution Prerequisite: Veeam PowerShell API installed.

Solution: Veeam PowerShell Enable Encryption on all the jobs at once:

Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapIn
Disconnect-VBRServer #disconnect any prior
Connect-VBRServer -server YOURVEEAMSERVER #[-user] -[password|credential] [-port 9392]

$encryptionkey = Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description "YOURENCRYPTIONPASSWORDHINT"

$jobs = ( Get-VBRJob | Sort-Object -Property Name ) #sort is not necessity 
$jobs | Set-VBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions -EnableEncryption $true -EncryptionKey $encryptionkey

Good Luck!

Please consider crypto tipping: