I love SublimeText! With features like Ctrl-D, Multi-Cursor, and RegEx-Search&Replace, it’s just the best editor ever. Add tools from PackageControl.io and it’s unbeatable. Yes, Atom is probably on-par (plus it’s free), but I’ve already acclimated to ST and that’s just how it is.
But sometimes i just prefer/need to edit in the shell. Almost always, i use nano
; However, when you suddenly need something more powerful, it’s back to SublimeText.
I had known about slap-edit, but it’s just too slow, especially through ssh tunnels.
Enter Suplemon! Wow, it’s a great CLI editor to supplement your workflow. If you already have python
and pip
, then just sudo pip3 install suplemon
- -That’s it. Launch suplemon
and check it out.
Yes, I know everyone will say “Vim”, but i don’t have time be that good.
Written with StackEdit.
I also crontab automatic updates under root (warning: this updates ALL pip packages):
ReplyDelete@weekly pip3 freeze --local | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip3 install -U
or update (all) manually under user account:
pip3 freeze --local | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 sudo pip3 install -U
or update suplemon only:
sudo pip3 install -U suplemon