July 23, 2021

FireFox Youtube Buffering Sucks


  • Firefox Youtube buffering endlessly / never starts playing

Potential Solution

Use about:config to:

  • Disable source server control:
    • media.mediasource.enabled = false
    • media.mediasource.vp9.enabled = false
  • Buffer more:
    • media.cache_readahead_limit = 9999 (or 99999)
    • media.cache_resume_threshold = 9999 (or 99999)

Written with StackEdit.

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July 01, 2021

Dear FireFox 89+, I hate your new Proton UI, especially tabs look/feel.

EDIT 2021-Aug-11:  FireFox 91 changed something, this no longer works 😠😡😠😡😠😡.  Please see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1339768#answer-1434053

Problem: new Firefox tabs look horrible and do not stand out as visible tabs.

about:config > browser.proton.enabled > false  (no longer works in FF-91)


1) Create a new folder/file in your user profile as chrome/userChrome.css
and fill it with contents (generated from your selected preferences) from this link: https://www.userchrome.org/firefox-89-styling-proton-ui.html#tabstyler
2) set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets as true via about:config .
3) restart FireFox.

example result: (https://sharetext.me/heyafkro)

Fix FireFox 89, 90, 91 Tabs Look
Fix FireFox 89, 90, 91 Tabs Look and Feel
Fix Firefox Tabs
Fix FireFox Proton Tabs
Revert Firefox Tabs

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