July 18, 2024

Veeam database size approaching limit

Veeam database size approaching limit


My Veeam configuration was over 10,000mb approaching the MS-SQL express 10gb hard-limit.

Veeam: Configuration Database Issue The configuration database size
is approaching the limit. if this limit is exceeded, the backup server
will stop functioning.

Tentative Solution:

This worked for me, but may not be an official solution. I shrunk and rebuilt the indexes, no less than twice. I was able to shrink it half the size.

  1. Backup the database manually, even if you have scheduled backups. “Hamburger” Menu>Configuration Backup>Backup Now.
  2. Install and run SQL Server Management Server Studio.
  3. Connect to the local Veeam database
  4. Find and right click the “VeeamBackup” database, choose Tasks>Shrink>Database. Enable “Reorganize files before releasing…”>OK.
  5. Copy and paste the rebuild-indexes SQL script from: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/4470/script-to-manage-sql-server-rebuilds-and-reorganize-for-index-fragmentation/ to a new local script.
  6. Edit the script’s SET parameters to suit your needs: SET @reportOnly = 0; & SET @fragmentationThreshold = 5; . Execute the script. This may grow your database too large, so…
  7. Perform #4 again!
  8. Perform #6 again!
  9. Check the size of the database (This can be done by the shrink database menu or by viewing the database properties)
