July 13, 2018


Better Than fdupes!!! thank you @jbruchon

JDupes https://github.com/jbruchon/jdupes

OUT OF DATE. please see -X nostr:text and -X onlystr:text option in 1.20+


  • Raw speed!
  • Preserve duplicates specific to a folder and delete the rest:
    – option 1: given three folders X,Y, Z: jdupes -nrdNIO ./X/ ./Y/ ./Z/ preserve files in folder X and purges duplicates in Y and Z.
    – option 2: given three folders E,F,G: jdupes -nrdNIO ./E/ ./G/ ; jdupes -nrdNIO ./F/ ./G/ deletes duplicates only from G, retaining any duplicates in E or F.
  • and more…

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July 04, 2018

Prepare or Fix Linux for ButterFlight, BetaFlight, CleanFlight

ButterFlight | BetaFlight | CleanFlight
Failed to open serial port: FILE_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED

See also: https://steronius.blogspot.com/2020/08/linux-emuflight-betaflight.html

Failed to open serial port: FILE_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
betaflight linux failed to open serial port
butterflight linux failed to open serial port
cleanflight linux failed to open serial port
butterflight can’t flash firmware
betaflight can’t flash firmware
cleanflight can’t flash firmware

Linux user accounts require permissions for Serial and USB subsystems.

1) For Failed to open serial port: FILE_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED :
ref: https://websistent.com/fix-serial-port-permission-denied-errors-linux/

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $(whoami)
newgrp dialout   #(temp workaround to bypass logout & re-login requirement)

2) For unable to flash firmware to flight controller (FC) :
ref: https://github.com/ButterFlight/butterflight/blob/master/docs/USB%20Flashing.md

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="df11", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/45-stdfu-permissions.rules
sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $(whoami)
newgrp plugdev   #(temp workaround to bypass logout & re-login requirement)

Follow along:

As always, good luck!

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