October 16, 2024

Ghetto GPO Change-Audit Powershell Emailing script

Ghetto GPO Change-Audit Powershell Emailing script


What AD GPO’s changed yesterday?


Ultra ghetto. May or may not need special Security policy Audit rights enabled on DC’s, i don’t remember 2021.

Modify $testing = true to $testing = false for production.

July 18, 2024

Veeam database size approaching limit

Veeam database size approaching limit


My Veeam configuration was over 10,000mb approaching the MS-SQL express 10gb hard-limit.

Veeam: Configuration Database Issue The configuration database size
is approaching the limit. if this limit is exceeded, the backup server
will stop functioning.

Tentative Solution:

This worked for me, but may not be an official solution. I shrunk and rebuilt the indexes, no less than twice. I was able to shrink it half the size.

  1. Backup the database manually, even if you have scheduled backups. “Hamburger” Menu>Configuration Backup>Backup Now.
  2. Install and run SQL Server Management Server Studio.
  3. Connect to the local Veeam database
  4. Find and right click the “VeeamBackup” database, choose Tasks>Shrink>Database. Enable “Reorganize files before releasing…”>OK.
  5. Copy and paste the rebuild-indexes SQL script from: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/4470/script-to-manage-sql-server-rebuilds-and-reorganize-for-index-fragmentation/ to a new local script.
  6. Edit the script’s SET parameters to suit your needs: SET @reportOnly = 0; & SET @fragmentationThreshold = 5; . Execute the script. This may grow your database too large, so…
  7. Perform #4 again!
  8. Perform #6 again!
  9. Check the size of the database (This can be done by the shrink database menu or by viewing the database properties)


May 06, 2024

cannot paste clipbpard images into github


Cannot paste clipboard images into GitHub.com comments / editor using Firefox.


about:config > dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled = true .

April 25, 2024

How to set auto-power for iDrac 9

How to set auto-power for iDrac 9.


iDrac 9 default Power Recovery is Last; However, APC UPS may shutdown a server externally, therefore power-up may not occur as expected.

Option 1 Solution:

BIOS (F2) > System Security > AC Power Recovery > On

Option 2 Solution:

ssh root@<IP-of-iDrac>
racadm get BIOS.SysSecurity.AcPwrRcvry
racadm set BIOS.SysSecurity.AcPwrRcvry On

Which will report:

RAC1017: Successfully modified the object value and the change is in 
     pending state.
     To apply modified value, create a configuration job and reboot 
     the system. To create the commit and reboot jobs, use "jobqueue" 
     command. For more information about the "jobqueue" command, see RACADM 

Therfore, to apply the new setting:

racadm jobqueue create BIOS.Setup.1-1

But it also requires a reboot. (Warning: Choose 2-stage graceshutdown + powerup, because any other seem to hard “reset”. )

racadm serveraction graceshutdown
racadm serveraction powerup

Expect a BIOS update and a reboot (slow).

Afterward, it may be verified via:

racadm get BIOS.SysSecurity.AcPwrRcvry

~ Good Luck! ~

SEO: Dell iDrac iDrac9 auto-power auto-start auto-power-on auto-power-up auto power powerup

March 26, 2024

Cannot type in Windows 2022 PowerShell from Remmina FreeRDP


Cannot type in Windows 2022 PowerShell from Linux Remmina/FreeRDP (RDP)


Disable "Use client keyboard mapping" in Remmina Preferences.

Written with StackEdit.

February 21, 2024

KB5034441 failing to install with "Retry" 0x80070643

Windows 10 2024-01 Security Update for Windows 10 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5034441) failing to install with “Retry” 0x80070643




The January 2024 update is known to fail on a widespread basis. Currently as of Feb 21 2024, this is still unmitigated in any automatic fashion via Windows Updates; however, it can be simply fixes with a Powershell script as provided directly from Microsoft.


Copy/Paste the script provided in this link into a file named something like patch.ps1.
Execute the script for an elevated cmd.exe shell (Run as Administrator) using the commandline PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File patch.ps1. (Either spefify the full file-path or make sure to cd into the folder where you have saved the script).
When asked for a BackupFolder, c:\temp will suffice. When asked if you wish to proceed, answer Y (Yes).
Upon completion, reboot with shutdown /r /f /t 5.


January 26, 2024

Pipewire no sound after Debian 12 upgrade

Pipewire no sound after Debian 12 upgrade

I’ve been performing in-place upgrades of Debian for years. Always some new problem to fix afterward. Debian 12 was no different.

Off-subject i was forced to apt purge, deborphan , dpkg --purge --force-depends on quite a few items before being able to fully perform upgrade/updates.

Problem: No audio after automated upgrade to Pipewire systems.

Reference: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/pipewire/-/issues/2255

cd  /etc/alsa/conf.d/
sudo mv 50-pulseaudio.conf{,.bak}
sudo mv 50-oss.conf{,.bak}
sudo mv 50-pipewire.conf{,.bak}
sudo mv 50-jack.conf{,.bak}
sudo mkdir backup
sudo mv ./*.bak ./backup/

sudo apt reinstall pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack wireplumber
## internets recommended 'wireplumber' over 'pipewire-media-session'

history -a

# rejoice

You may choose to do it differently, but essentially, remove all 50-*.conf that deal specifically with sound, then reinstall the packages to recreate a proper 50-pipewire.conf.

Written with StackEdit.